Friday, April 26, 2013

The End is Just the Beginning

Today was my last day of medical school!!! Finally! There is just no way to put into words what this means to me. I definitely had my ups and downs and times that I wasn't even sure I wanted to keep going but look what perseverance and determination can do.

Although I have come a long way in my medical journey, there is still so much more to come (4 years of residency training....yikes!). Now I have the responsibility of actually taking care of and being responsible for patients. No more seeing patients and saying, "I don't know about that but I'll ask the resident and get back with you." I will be the resident! Patients will be calling me doctor! I just know it is going to feel so strange the first time a patient calls me doctor.

I hope I have learned enough. I guess it's time to find out. Here goes nothing...