Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday Lucy!

Our Lucy girl turned 10 years old on April 4th. I actually had no idea when her birthday was since we adopted her 6 months ago and wasn't given any papers. I asked the vet when her birthday was, but they didn't know at the time. They told me that they would call Lucy's last contact and ask. Well, I never heard from them...that is until April 4th when they sent an e-birthday card for my little girl. Before that came, I was just going to pick a date to celebrate her birthday (I was actually going to pick April 20 so I wasn't that far off). Before we get to her birthday, I'm going to share the story of how I got my sweet sweet Lucy girl.

Well it actually starts with the story of how I got my first puppy, Howzer. My husband and I were only engaged at the time. We were bored on a Saturday afternoon and had the bright idea to go to a pet store "just to look" of course. (Never do that unless you intend to come home with a pet!! Lesson learned.) I was over looking at the Snorkies (Schnauzer and Yorkie mix) when the hubs says "Look they have one!" while pointing a cage with a little wrinkly thing laying in the back. Apparently, my husband had always wanted an English bulldog, and he just so happened to find one. Well that puppy was just too expensive so we left the store empty handed...

We are almost back to our apartment when my hubby turns to me and jokingly says, "I can't believe you left our puppy at that store." Clearly, I didn't see the humor in this because I then proceeded to instruct him to turn the car around. He thought I was kidding but nope I wasn't. We went back and we got my Howzer. How did I end up paying for him when he was my husband's dream dog???? I still don't know. My husband should be a politician! He pitched an idea and I ended up paying for it...how does that happen?

The day that we got Howzer. He was 7 weeks old here.

Oh well, Howzer has been my little baby ever since. So what does this have to do with Lucy? I'm getting there. Howzer has been the most unhealthy dog since we got him. We expected some issues because of his breed but for heaven's sake...can we get a break from seeing the vet? He has had eye surgery, allergy testing and ongoing allergy shots, ear infections, and occasional arthritis issues. Poor thing. We were making one of our routine visits to the vet, for yet another ear infection, when the tech asked "Would you like another one?" What? Really?? Just 2 days before this visit, a lady dropped off sweet Lula Belle (Lucy) to find a new home. Her owner of 9.5 years had a terminal illness and could no longer keep her. The vet let me go back and look at her, and I instantly loved her.

Lucy at the vet.

My hubby wasn't there so I couldn't commit to take her home until I talked to him so I left and told them that I would call back shortly. My husband was on the fence about the whole thing, but he knew there was no point fighting it. She was mine. I had a previous engagement the next morning so I called as soon as I was done so that I could take Howzer to meet Lucy and bring her home. When I called though, they told me that she had already been given to a good home. I was devastated!

I called my husband on my way home and told him this. He said he was sorry but that she probably went to a good home. (He was loving this because he had a little something up his sleeves.) I got home and walked in the door and cuddled my Howzer to try to soothe the disappointment from not getting Lucy. While I was petting him....something comes walking around the kitchen cabinet. It was my sweet Lucy with a red ribbon around her neck!

That first day didn't go too well though. I can't lie...I thought she was deaf and dumb. She wouldn't come when we called her name. She wouldn't even sit in the same room with us. All she did was walk through the house several times and then finally fall asleep on the kitchen floor. But after several days, she finally warmed up to us. She follows me all over the house now. I can't go to another room without her right there with me. Her and Howzer's relationship is coming around a little more slowly though. They merely tolerate each other at this point but it has gotten slightly better.

Lucy's first day at the house. She ignored us and passed out on the kitchen floor
(with her tongue out, of course).

Anyways, I got that e-birthday card from the vet on April 4th which meant it was time to plan a party that weekend! I love my dogs entirely too much! I just can't help myself.

Presents and homemade doggy cake.

Lucy seemed to enjoy her cake.

She even shared with her bubba.

All her toys.
All in all, Lucy had a great 10th birthday. We are so blessed to have gotten her and to be able to share this part of her life with her.

Will post later the recipe I used for the doggy friendly cake.

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