Monday, May 20, 2013

Somebody Call A DOCTOR!

I FINALLY graduated from medical school last weekend!!!! It's been a long hard road that has changed me and pushed me in ways that I never thought that I could be pushed. Luckily, I pushed back and survived!

Friday night, we had Honors Convocation for the College of Medicine only. We were hooded and took our Hippocratic Oath. I was so happy to have my family come and enjoy this event with me.

Saying the Hippocratic Oath
My amazing husband

My brother

My mom. I couldn't have accomplished this without her guidance and support.
My dad

 On Sunday afternoon, we had graduation with all of the health profession colleges. Beforehand, some family came over to the house to enjoy Mother's day lunch and graduation cake.

My oh so cute white coat cake

My brother and his family

My stepmom

I couldn't be more happy about what I have accomplished and what is in store for the future. I would be lying though if I said that I wasn't also nervous about what's to come in the upcoming months and years as a psychiatry resident. At this point, I'm just trying to enjoy being in the "eye of the storm." This glorious time between the stresses of med school and responsibilities of residency that I actually get to do whatever I want! Thus far I have sewed a new car seat cover to protect my NEW CAR!!! (a 2012 GMC Acadia) from my rowdy bulldogs. My husband and I have also put in new countertops in our kitchen. I'll post pics of that once it is all finished and after we get the backsplash up. Looking forward to our upcoming vacation in Turks and Caicos! I just had to have a nice vacation this year to celebrate being done with school.

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